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Wersja z dnia 14:07, 28 mar 2016 autorstwa Dis1waw (dyskusja | edycje) (x)
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go up (to grow, to rise, to increase, to construct, to burn, to travel to more important place, to travel north) - rosnąć, drożeć, budować, płonąć, podróżować (do ważniejszego miejsca, na północ).

  1. Opera tickets have gone up. [Opera tickets price increased]
  2. Yearly spending on jobless people went up from $900 million to $1.3 billion. [...spending on jobless people grew from...]
  3. This forest was a nice place before all neighboring new houses went up. [...before all new houses were built]
  4. He forgot to switch off the gas and the whole kitchen went up. [...the whole kitchen burned]
  5. The great applause went up after the orchestra concluded its performance. [...applause rose after...]
  6. Martin went up to London to look for new books about Chinese literature. [Martin travelled to London...]
  7. Sheila went up to Scotland last weekend. [Sheila travelled to Scotland...]