Go in

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go in (to enter, to fit, to participate, to take part, to enjoy, to take a job, to get into clouds [the sun or the moon]) - zajmować się czymś, uczestniczyć, przystępować, wziąć pracę, wejść w chmury (o słońcu lub księżycu).

  1. I don't think all these fishes will go in this bag. [..these fishes will fit this bag]
  2. Bernard is going in for all the competitions. [Bernard will participate in all the competitions]
  3. I never really went in for checkers playing. [I never really enjoyed checkers playing]
  4. I suppose I could go in for taxi driving. [...I could take a job of taxi driving]
  5. When we say the sun or the moon goes in, that means cloud moves in front of it so that it is hidden to our eyes.