Come up

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come up (to arise, to occur, to emerge, to be equal) - zbliżać się, nadchodzić, wyłaniać się.
come up with sb (to approach to sb) - podejść do kogoś

  1. After 6 p.m. a dark came up suddenly. [dark occured]
  2. The water came up to her shoulders. [water arose...]
  3. The computer installation is coming up for its annual maintenance review. [
  4. She came up with us when we were talking quite loudly. [she approached....]
  5. Such a type of question may come up. [...may arise]
  6. Urgent issue has come up. [..issue emerged]
  7. When the sun comes up, I start to work hard [sun rises]
  8. He's catching every opportunity that comes up. [..opportunity that occurs]
  9. This piece of poetry does not come up to your usual level. [is not equal to...]
  10. I'm always coming up against scepticism. [always stand aginst...]