Get off

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get off (to avoid punishment, to escape, to finish, to begin a journey, to tell a joke) - wysiąść, uniknąć kłopotów, wyciągnąć z tarapatów, rozpocząć podróż, wyzwolić się, zsiąść (z konia).

  1. Get off this taxi, it doesn't seem safe enough. [leave this taxi...]
  2. On Mondays cooks and waiters get off earlier. [...leave work earlier]
  3. This lawyer might get you off. [might rescue...]
  4. We need to get off before sunrise to avoid crowds. [need to start a journey before sunrise...]
  5. If you want to reach Vancouver next week you must get off tomorrow. [ must leave tomorrow]
  6. Professor got off some jokes at the beginning of his lecture. [professor said some jokes...]
  7. I want to get off with teaching. [finish with teaching...]
  8. Once I get on the crosswords, I can't get off. [I can't stop]
  9. When I get off the plane in England I always feel about two inches shorter. [When I leave the plane...] /Alan Rickman/