Come down

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come down (to lower, to fall, to descend, to decrease, to drop, to get cheap, to graduate) - obniżać się, upadać, podupaść, tanieć, płacić, zstępować, kończyć uczelnię
come down on (to criticize, scold) - ostro skrytykować, besztać,
come down to (reduce, limit) - sprowadzać się do, streszczać, ograniczać
come down with (to become sick, to pay) - zachorować, zapłacić

  1. I suppose apples will soon come down in price. [will soon get cheaper]
  2. My brothers come down to Washington a lot. [travel to Washington]
  3. What goes up must come down. (Newton)
  4. He has come down in the world [his meaning dropped]
  5. Mary is coming down from Cambridge on June. [graduates ...on June]
  6. The press came down on his new play. [the press strongly criticized his new play]
  7. The taxcollector came down on me for 50 dollars. [fined me...]
  8. All you tell me comes down to money. [reduces to money]
  9. Everything comes down to friendship and treating people right.
  10. His wishes come down to big speedy red car.
  11. He came down with flu and had to stay in bed. [he went ill]
  12. During my visit to Barcelona I came down with pneumonia. [I went ill]
  13. He had to come down with five dollars. [he had to pay...]