Come down

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come down (to lower, to fall, to descend, to decrease, to drop, to get cheap, to graduate) - obniżać się, upadać, podupaść, tanieć, płacić, zstępować, kończyć uczelnię
come down on (to criticize, scold) - ostro skrytykować, besztać,
come down to (reduce, limit) - sprowadzać się do, streszczać, ograniczać
come down with (to become sick, to pay) - zachorować, zapłacić

  1. I suppose apples will soon come down in price. [will soon get cheaper]
  2. My brothers come down to Washington a lot. [travel to Washington]
  3. What goes up must come down. (Newton)
  4. He has come down in the world [his meaning dropped]
  5. Mary is coming down from Cambridge on June. [graduates ...on June]
  6. The press came down on his new play. [the press strongly criticized his new play]
  7. The taxcollector came down on me for 50 dollars. [fined me...]
  8. All you tell me comes down to money. [reduces to money]
  9. He came down with flu and had to stay in bed. [he went ill]
  10. During my visit to Barcelona I came down with pneumonia. [I went ill]
  11. He had to come down with five dollars. [he had to pay...]